About Us
Printegra is one of the nation’s largest, most innovative, short-run business printing companies. We have the unique ability to leverage technology to accurately process thousands of custom print orders a week in a timely and cost-efficient manner. These strengths lead to top-line growth and reduced operating expenses for our customers.
We operate five manufacturing facilities across the US and employ more than 400 skilled employees. Our products include custom and software-compatible checks and forms, print shop products, integrated products, as well as online customer service/ordering. We are dedicated to satisfying our customers with consistent performance, a friendly approach to business, and dependable products delivered as promised.

Contact Us
800.247.4471 | cainfo@printegra.com | printegra.com
800.444.5680 | gainfo@printegra.com | printegra.com
New York
800.888.5680 | nycsr@printegra.com | printegra.com
800.972.1175 | txinfo@printegra.com | printegra.com
Self Service
Already a customer? Need to check on an existing order? Please click here to log in to our SelfService portal.